We are Witnesses—Lectionary Worship Planning by Discipleship Ministries

We Are Witnesses worship series by Discipleship Ministry is inspired by my book, Bearing Witness in the Kin-dom.

This is a seven-week lectionary-based worship planning aid, available for free download.

What do my book and this worship series have in common? They are both available online at no cost! The book is available free on Kindle Unlimited—and a trial subscription will cost you nothing.

The worship series must be popular. Yesterday, I discovered that my book, Bearing Witness in the Kin-dom, was rankd #2 in Methodist Christianity on Amazon, trailing only the UMC Book of Disicipline!

Virtual Conference: Embracing Multivocational Ministry—May 14

Lay and clergy leaders, come all! Presentations by authors and judicatory leaders. Methodists, Baptists, United Church of Christ, Presbyterian, and more. Only $35 to register, and each registrant will receive the e-book Bivocational and Beyond.

Click here for conference information and registration.

Conference Organizers and Facilitators

The Rev. Dr. Renée C. Jackson is Minister for Ministerial Formation on the Ministerial Excellence, Support and Authorization (MESA) Team of the United Church of Christ.

The Rev. Dr. Darryl W. Stephens, Director of the Pennsylvania Academy of Ministry and editor of Bivocational and Beyond.

Jo Ann Deasy: Black Student Perspectives on Multivocational Ministry

Ministry, money, and graduate theological education—for Black students, multivocational ministry provides the connection and the possibility for serving the communities that need them the most.

Jo Ann Deasy, an ordained pastor in the Evangelical Covenant Church, is Director of Institutional Initiatives and Student Research at The Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada.

This is one of a series of video posts from the authors of Bivocational and Beyond: Educating for Thriving Multivocational Ministry (forthcoming April 2022). This book is an edited volume for church leaders and those that teach and support them. Contributors include bivocational pastors and other reflective practitioners as well as theological educators and researchers.

In Chapter 5, “Black Student Perspectives,” Jo Ann Deasy examines the perspectives of Black seminarians on debt and finances in order to improve the support offered by graduate theological schools. The author draws on qualitative data she and co-researchers collected during a 2019 study on Black student debt by the Association of Theological Schools (ATS). Though not originally designed to inquire about multivocational ministry, the data revealed many challenges for multivocational clergy and the seminaries they attend. Few of the students interviewed expected to make a living wage in ministry after graduation. Most recognized that the congregations they came from and the congregations they planned to serve would not be able to support them financially. Many Black students considered educational debt and multivocational ministry as intentional strategies to assist them in answering their call, pursuing theological education not for financial success or security but in order to minister to their communities. This chapter concludes with implications for graduate theological education.

For resources on bivocational and multivocational ministry, see the book’s webpage.

Methodists on War and Peace

With the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine, church leaders may wonder what their tradition teaches. Recently, I was asked about Methodist perspectives on war and peace. It’s all over the map.

Methodists in the United States are as conflict averse as they are patriotic. This presents a conundrum when the nation is at war. Historically, United Methodism teaches that “war and bloodshed are contrary to the gospel and sprit of Christ.” However, Methodists have been active in all major wars fought by or within the United States. For example, Methodists fought on both sides of the Civil War. Today, Methodists honor those who serve in the military as well as support those who conscientiously object to military service. The UMC also supports individuals who engage in civil disobedience in response to unjust laws.

Methodist theologians have practiced and defended the entire range of stances on war and peace. Stanley Hauerwas and Stephen Long teach that the church should be pacifist. Paul Ramsey promoted the principles of Just War theory, which teaches that war may be considered only as a last resort. Ramsey argued that defending a neighbor by force, if necessary, was an act of love. Many Methodists (such Robin Lovin and Rebekah Miles) approach the issue of war through the lens of Christian Realism, arguing that armed conflict may be the best of the available, sin-filled options for achieving an approximation of justice.

Perhaps most prominent within Methodist theology and practice are efforts at peacebuilding. Methodists were instrumental in forming the United Nations and writing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Methodists, such as Walter Wink and Nelson Mandela, worked to achieve social change through non-violent resistance, notably in South Africa. Still other Methodists, such as Ellen Ott Marshall, promote conflict transformation and Just Peacemaking, teaching proactive measures for resolving conflict prior to the last resort of war. Methodists have also advocated for nuclear disarmament, promoted Millennium Development Goals, prioritized care of creation, and welcomed refugees.

Methodist responses to the current crisis in Ukraine look different outside the United States. Missiologist David W. Scott recently discussed how Methodists React to Russian Invasion of Ukraine from around the world. Relationships among and between United Methodists in Ukraine and Russia hold particular gravity (and perhaps also promise) because they are part of the same episcopal area.

As Methodists in the United States pray for peace in Ukraine, here are some additional resources:

The UMC’s Peace with Justice Covenant Congregation Program, for congregational study

The General Board of Church and Society: https://www.umcjustice.org/what-we-care-about/peace-with-justice.