Facing the Empire Within

Today, the United States of America inaugurates the reign of a president who said he would not rule out the use of military force to seize control of the Panama Canal and Greenland. Such international aggression would be a blatant attempt to expand the not-so-hidden empire of the USA. To my fellow United Methodists in the USA: Do not retreat in resignation! We must face the empire within.

Empire assumes many guises. The 2024 Social Principles of the UMC defines Donald Trump’s threat as colonialism: “the practice of establishing full or partial control of other countries, tribes, and peoples through conquest and exploitation.” Empire can also be conducted through neocolonialism, exercised through economic, political, and social control of other peoples. More expansively, empire refers to any coercive power that controls people’s lives—often without their realizing it.

The United Methodist Church (UMC) and its predecessor institutions have a long history of supporting and building empire. The UMC was born of a state church, the head of which controlled the largest world empire at the time. When the US colonies won political independence from the British crown, Methodism in the US also became independent of John Wesley and the Church of England. US Methodism, however, retained the structures and attitudes of empire.

White US Methodists, in particular, have a lot to reckon with. We exercised empire through chattel slavery, forced relocation of indigenous peoples, and missionary expansion. Methodists defended these practices with biblical proof-texts and theological arguments, claiming their actions to be God’s will. Indigenous boarding schools, for example, were cast as education and Christianization. Jim Crow laws were depicted as maintaining public order. Methodists justified their participation in projects of empire through powerful rhetoric and jurisprudence, such as Manifest Destiny and the Doctrine of Discovery.

Today, Trump’s territorial aspirations mirror in some ways the UMC’s decades-long agenda to become a “global church.” Both efforts involve structures of empire, with control residing in the United States. The UMC’s central conferences, for example, are directly modeled after the Church of England’s structure from 1867—during the height of Western colonialism. Regarding Anglican churches overseas, the Church of England sought “the binding of the Churches of our colonial empire and the missionary Churches beyond them in the closest union with the Mother-Church.” The US-based UMC has been slow to dismantle this inherited form of empire, making its largest overseas acquisition in 2008 (a relationship that unraveled in 2024).

Facing “the empire within” requires a long process of repentance. For example, the UMC began facing up to its past mistreatment of Native Americans in 1988. General Conference confessed the church’s sin and offered a formal apology in 1992, supported restitution to some tribes in 1996, offered an act or repentance in 2012, and published an in-depth report of Methodist involvement in the Sand Creek massacre in 2016. The work of repentance continues. In 2000, General Conference adopted an Act of Repentance for Racism—and the work is not done. Repentance involves confessing sin, ceasing wrongdoing, turning from old patterns of behavior, and intending to do better. Repentance also requires restitution and active resistance to further harm.

If only we could face down empire with a quick apology and a simple vote! Neither is sufficient, and yet both are important steps. In 2025, annual conferences in the UMC have the opportunity to vote on several constitutional amendments that address the harms of empire.

  • Proposed is adding the words “gender” and “ability” as protected categories to Paragraph 4, Article 4, which proclaims the “inclusiveness of the church.” Behind this proposal is the awareness that Methodism has a long history of discrimination against persons because of gender and physical and mental (dis)abilities.
  • Proposed is a revision of Article V, “Racial Justice.” Through this amendment, United Methodists must decide if “The United Methodist Church commits to confronting and eliminating all forms of racism, racial inequity, colonialism, white privilege and white supremacy, in every facet of its life and in society at large.” An affirmative vote would be a significant step toward dismantling these forms of empire.
  • The most complex package of constitutional amendments addresses the most complex form of empire with the UMC: the role and power of the United States. The “regionalization legislation” proposes decentering US conferences by putting them on equal legislative footing with conferences around the world. No longer would the denomination’s General Conference be dominated by legislation pertaining only to the United States.

While I am in favor of the above constitutional amendments, I know that they will not solve the problem of empire. To face the empire within, we must reckon with our past, repair relationships, and create more just structures for all. The project of decolonizing church and society requires collaboration in material projects of shared concern through which we can craft new narratives of solidarity and belonging. We cannot achieve this goal by serving “the needy” from our position of perceived privilege. Rather, we must roll up our sleeves and get to work alongside each other as equals in the kin-dom of God.

If you, your reading group, or congregation is invested in facing the empire within, consider reading together the following books:

Stephens, Darryl W. Reckoning Methodism: Mission and Division in the Public Church. Cascade, 2024.

Scott, David W., and Filipe Maia, eds. Methodism and American Empire: Reflections on Decolonizing the Church. Abingdon, 2023.

In the Top Ten

Progressive Christians seeking to find your way in a turbulent world, these books are for you. My writings are intended to challenge and edify. Not convinced? To quote LeVar Burton on Reading Rainbow, “You don’t have to take my word for it!” Just check the end of year lists!

My book Reckoning Methodism, published in March 2024, has been recognized on two end-of-year lists. It made Moravian University’s Top 10 List 2024.

At number five on the top-ten list, Reckoning Methodism is pictured along with eight other faculty titles published in 2024.

My writings are also featured in a list of “2024 Publications on Methodist Mission and Evangelism” recommended by Dr. David W. Scott, blogmaster of UM&Global.

The book Diaconal Studies: Lived Theology for the Church in North America, published in October, is also a recommended resource of DIAKONIA of the Americas and the Caribbean.

What a great way to start the new year!

Study Diakonia in Community

Learning about the diaconate of all believers is best done in community. The ministry of the diaconate is a call to all Christians—lay and clergy; commissioned, consecrated, and ordained. Diakonia is a call to serve others in Jesus’s name. Here is a everything you need to lead a group study of diakonia.

  • A FREE open access ebook, Diaconal Studies: Lived Theology for the Church in North America.
  • Video introductions to each chapter by the authors.
  • Study guide to accompany the book, designed for use within local congregations or among diaconal colleagues or for seminarians.
  • Collection of prayers to complement the study guide, written by members of DOTAC (DIAKONIA of the Americas and the Caribbean).

All of these materials are available on the book’s webpage.

This book debuted at #1 in Ecclesiology Christian Theology and #1 in Christian Missions & Missionary Work.

What the World Needs Now: Diakonia

What takes three and a half years, four leaders, nineteen additional contributors, and grants and staff time from multiple supportive institutions? Answer: A groundbreaking book on the diaconate!

The diaconate is the ministry of service. Christians are sent by Christ to serve others, emissaries of God’s good news to the poor, spoken through actions of justice and solidarity. Diakonia is the Greek word often translated as servant or servanthood, for example, in the words of Jesus: “The greatest among you will be your servant [diakonos]” (Mt 23:11, NRSVUE). Jesus called his followers to a ministry of diakonia by washing their feet. Thus, the basin and towel are signs of diaconal ministry for the whole church. The “diaconate of all believers” is a call to service in the church and in a wide array of helping professions.

Diaconal Studies: Lived Theology for the Church in North America explores and creates new ways of incarnating the church’s ministry, seeking to enhance connections between doctrine and daily life, service and social critique, solidarity and transformation. This book was published by Regnum Books International, October 30, 2024.

Diaconal Studies: Lived Theology for the Church in North America. Edited by Craig L. Nessan and Darryl W. Stephens.

Contributors represent Lutheran, Methodist, Anglican, Reformed, and uniting ecumenical Protestant traditions.

Cover art by Cecily A. Stephens.

A four person leadership team (Craig Nessan, Man Hei Yip, Darryl W. Stephens, and Lori Mills-Curran, pictured below) met monthly from April 2021 to 2024 to envision, plan, and carry out this collaboration involving scholars and reflective practitioners spanning six continents.

Additionally, Ted Dodd, President, DIAKONIA of the Americas and the Caribbean (DOTAC), wrote a free study guide to accompany the book. For the study guide, author videos, endorsements, and ordering information, visit the book’s webpage. The ebook will be available as an open access publication by December 31, 2024.

This remarkable compilation illuminates the vital role of deacons and diaconal ministers throughout history and into the future. With deep theological insights and practical implications, each contribution enriches our understanding of diaconal ministry’s transformative influence in the church and the world. A must-read for clergy, lay leaders, and anyone interested in the evolving landscape of service and leadership.
—Amie Stewart, General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, The United Methodist Church

Diakonia is essential to the church’s mission and ministry in North America. Ecumenical diakonia encompasses Christian motivated social service, community development, justice, and human rights. The goal of diaconal ministry is to empower individuals and communities through God to become the agents of change in their own communities for the flourishing of all creation.

This project was supported by grants from the E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation and the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies. Open access publication was made possible in part by financial support from the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry of The United Methodist Church. For more information, visit the book’s webpage.

Creation Justice in the Revised Social Principles

The Revised Social Principles document approved by General Conference 2024 provides vital support for the UMC’s creation justice ministries. Read my assessment and discussion of items for further reflection and continued work in the United Methodist Creation Justice blog.

1. How should science, reason, traditional wisdom, and theology inform
our shared work of creation justice?
2. Our witness against environmental racism would be stronger if we defined racism.
3. Remember and share about our Methodist tradition of environmental witness.
4. Let’s develop a United Methodist theology of creation justice.

Source: “Revised Social Principles Focus on ‘Community of All Creation,’” United Methodist Creation Justice, June 28, 2024.

New Book Series Launch

Please join us for a book launch party and celebration of the new book series: T&T Clark Enquiries in Embodiment, Sexuality, and Social Ethics. The author is El/yse Ambrose. The Editorial Board consists of Kate Ott, Monique Moultrie, and Darryl W. Stephens.

Registration for June 28 event.

Link to purchase
and 20% discount code: GLR BD8

Join us to celebrate author El/yse Ambrose and the release of A Blackqueer Sexual Ethics on June 28, 2024 at noon pdt/3pm edt. The launch party will begin with a short interview of El by the editorial and advisory boards of the T&T Clark series. We will have time for Q&A to wonder together about the impact of this work from scholarly, religious, and social perspectives. Most importantly we will toast El and celebrate their work!

For more information about the series, including information for authors, visit our T&T Clark page: https://www.bloomsbury.com/us/series/tt-clark-enquiries-in-embodiment-sexuality-and-social-ethics/.

The Erstwhile United Methodist Church of Ivory Coast

Although their “marriage” was never very intimate, the failing merger of The United Methodist Church and the Methodist Protestant Church of Côte d’Ivoire raises significant questions regarding the “worldwide nature” of the UMC and its global ambitions.

Statement from the UMC Council of Bishops, June 5, 2024

Read more in this article featured on UM & Global.

Deacons Granted Sacramental Authority in the UMC

As of January 1, 2025, deacons in the UMC will have full sacramental authority. General Conference voted 65% in favor of this change (May 2, 2024, Calendar item 554). This petition emerged from GBHEM’s ministry study (2020 ADCA, pp. 1003ff), which made several recommendations to General Conference regarding deacons. https://www.resourceumc.org/en/content/general-conference-2020-advance-daily-christian-advocate.

A new day for ordained deacons in The United Methodist Church.

Prayers on the Eve of the End of the UMC

General Conference begins tomorrow. United Methodists from around the world will convene their much anticipated and multiply delayed legislative assembly, postponed since 2020. This gathering will not be business as usual. The end is near for The United Methodist Church, at least as we have known it.  

I offer these prayers on the eve of the end of the UMC. Don’t misunderstand me: I do not pray for the demise of this church. My prayers are rooted in observation rather than preference. The end of the UMC we have known is merely the occasion—not the substance—of my petitions. Here, I offer observations and prayers.

General Conference is broken. This voting body that normally meets every four years has failed repeatedly to address the underlying issues of division in the UMC. The legislative process has not helped this church change and grow. Opinions have masqueraded as doctrine; majority vote has supplanted discernment; power has prevailed. Furthermore, the delegations gathering tomorrow will be incomplete. Over 100 delegates are anticipated absent due to difficulties with visas and international travel. So, I pray for wholeness in the midst of brokenness, new growth on old branches, and humility and compassion among our delegates.

The presenting issue is homosexuality. In 1988, GC commissioned a study of homosexuality and the church. Years of research, interviews, deliberations, and prayer went into this study, which was prepared for the 1992 assembly. However, conservative caucuses declared an end to debate before GC ever convened, refusing to consider the study’s findings. How can productive deliberation occur when a majority refuses to discuss? The issue is not really homosexuality, then, is it? So, I pray for an openness to hear each other and a willingness to discern—again and anew.

Queer clergy and their allies have been caucusing for over thirty years as the UMC has stood deadlocked. In 1996, delegates clashed again, this time in Denver. In 2000, nearly 200 protesters were arrested at GC in Cleveland. In 2004, proposals for regionalization were firmly rejected, and a broken chalice symbolized this broken church at GC in Pittsburgh. In 2008, demonstrators in Fort Worth again witnessed against the UMC’s unchanging discriminatory policies toward LGBTQ persons. In 2012, discussion of anything having to do with sexuality ceased at GC after delays and protests in Tampa. In 2016, the legislative assembly ground to a halt in Portland, begging the Council of Bishops to intervene. The resulting “special session” that met in St. Louis in 2019 proved more divisive than any that came before, enacting a Traditionalist Plan full of strictures and penalties for LGBTQ persons and their allies. This is also the GC that catalyzed and enabled nearly 25% of US congregations to disaffiliate. So, I pray for queer clergy, their allies, and the church that has abused and betrayed them for decades.

This week in Charlotte, historical awareness will separate the change agents from those merely swept up in the moment. The UMC is being transformed into something new, and that change requires relinquishing what is old. Active participants in this transformation must be able to distinguish new from old—a task requiring knowledge of our tradition and history. General Conference, as a whole, has a lousy track record of such cognition. So, I pray for the wisdom of history for all general conference delegates.

We are on the eve of the end of the UMC. The birth pangs of a new church are beginning. The old is passing away. Whether accompanied by a bang or a whimper, this church will not be the same UMC is was before. United Methodists, prepare yourselves for a birth or a funeral—or both—but don’t fool yourselves into believing that the UMC will continue on as it has been. So, I pray for this new church.

For a deep historical dive, see my new book Reckoning Methodism: Mission and Division in the Public Church.

Epilogue: For an in-depth report on what happened at General Conference in Charlottte, NC, see “Methodists split and now made BIG changes this week (The Whole Story),” Ready to Harvest, May 4, 2024.

Reckoning Methodism

Now available in paperback! Reckoning Methodism: Mission and Division in the Public Church is a timely appraisal of White church and society in the United States. This book seeks historical clarity, collective repentance, charismatic learning, and institutional courage as United Methodists reckon with inherited animosities, divisions, and racism. Reckoning Methodism is available at Amazon, B&N, and Cascade Books (March 2024).

If you would like to write a review of the book for your conference newsletter or other publication, request a free review copy here.

This work is essential reading for those who care for the church.” —Kevin Carnahan
A prophetic call . . . Reckoning Methodism is a must-read.“—Hendrik R. Pieterse
the ‘reckoning’ is applicable to the broader society“—Kenneth L. Carder

Read more about the book: https://darrylwstephens.com/reckoning-methodism/.