What takes three and a half years, four leaders, nineteen additional contributors, and grants and staff time from multiple supportive institutions? Answer: A groundbreaking book on the diaconate!
The diaconate is the ministry of service. Christians are sent by Christ to serve others, emissaries of God’s good news to the poor, spoken through actions of justice and solidarity. Diakonia is the Greek word often translated as servant or servanthood, for example, in the words of Jesus: “The greatest among you will be your servant [diakonos]” (Mt 23:11, NRSVUE). Jesus called his followers to a ministry of diakonia by washing their feet. Thus, the basin and towel are signs of diaconal ministry for the whole church. The “diaconate of all believers” is a call to service in the church and in a wide array of helping professions.
Diaconal Studies: Lived Theology for the Church in North America explores and creates new ways of incarnating the church’s ministry, seeking to enhance connections between doctrine and daily life, service and social critique, solidarity and transformation. This book was published by Regnum Books International, October 30, 2024.

Diaconal Studies: Lived Theology for the Church in North America. Edited by Craig L. Nessan and Darryl W. Stephens.
Contributors represent Lutheran, Methodist, Anglican, Reformed, and uniting ecumenical Protestant traditions.
Cover art by Cecily A. Stephens.
A four person leadership team (Craig Nessan, Man Hei Yip, Darryl W. Stephens, and Lori Mills-Curran, pictured below) met monthly from April 2021 to 2024 to envision, plan, and carry out this collaboration involving scholars and reflective practitioners spanning six continents.

Additionally, Ted Dodd, President, DIAKONIA of the Americas and the Caribbean (DOTAC), wrote a free study guide to accompany the book. For the study guide, author videos, endorsements, and ordering information, visit the book’s webpage. The ebook will be available as an open access publication by December 31, 2024.
This remarkable compilation illuminates the vital role of deacons and diaconal ministers throughout history and into the future. With deep theological insights and practical implications, each contribution enriches our understanding of diaconal ministry’s transformative influence in the church and the world. A must-read for clergy, lay leaders, and anyone interested in the evolving landscape of service and leadership.
—Amie Stewart, General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, The United Methodist Church
Diakonia is essential to the church’s mission and ministry in North America. Ecumenical diakonia encompasses Christian motivated social service, community development, justice, and human rights. The goal of diaconal ministry is to empower individuals and communities through God to become the agents of change in their own communities for the flourishing of all creation.
This project was supported by grants from the E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation and the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies. Open access publication was made possible in part by financial support from the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry of The United Methodist Church. For more information, visit the book’s webpage.