Now available in paperback! Reckoning Methodism: Mission and Division in the Public Church is a timely appraisal of White church and society in the United States. This book seeks historical clarity, collective repentance, charismatic learning, and institutional courage as United Methodists reckon with inherited animosities, divisions, and racism. Reckoning Methodism is available at Amazon, B&N, and Cascade Books (March 2024).

If you would like to write a review of the book for your conference newsletter or other publication, request a free review copy here.
“This work is essential reading for those who care for the church.” —Kevin Carnahan
“A prophetic call . . . Reckoning Methodism is a must-read.“—Hendrik R. Pieterse
“the ‘reckoning’ is applicable to the broader society“—Kenneth L. Carder
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